Friday, June 01, 2007

RSS FAQs, Tutorials and Tips - 49 Entries

RSS FAQs, Tutorials and Tips - 49 Entries

RSS FAQs - Introduction to RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Basics

A collection of 7 FAQs on RSS (Really Simple Syndication). Clear answers are provided with tutorial samples on introduction to Website syndication technology; RSS and Atom syndication file standards and versions.

  1. What Is RSS (Really Simple Syndication)?
  2. How Many Versions of RSS Language Standards?
  3. What Is Atom?
  4. What Are the Main Differences between Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0?
  5. What Is the Icon for RSS and Atom?
  6. What RSS 2.0 Files Look Like?
  7. What Atom 1.0 Files Look Like?


RSS FAQs - Atom Feed Introduction and File Generation

A collection of 16 FAQs on Atom feed file standard. Clear answers are provided with tutorial samples on introduction to Atom feed file standard; various ways to generate Atom feeds; feed scrapers; linking Atom feeds to Web pages.

  1. What Is Atom 1.0 Standard?
  2. What Is the Relation between Atom and XML?
  3. What Are the Main Differences between Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0?
  4. What Is the Icon for Atom Syndication?
  5. What Is the MIME Type Definition for Atom Files?
  6. What Is an Atom Syndication Feed?
  7. How To Write a Minimum Atom 1.0 Feed File?
  8. How To Validate an Atom 1.0 Feed File?
  9. How To Use Feed Validation Service?
  10. What Happens If Your Atom Feed Fails the Validation?
  11. Is There Any DTD File to Validate Atom Feed Files?
  12. Is There Any XSD File to Validate Atom Feed Files?
  13. How To Create Atom Feed Files?
  14. How To Tell Visitors That You Have Atom Syndication Feeds?
  15. How To Tell Web Browsers That Your Web Pages Have Atom Feeds?
  16. What Happens When FireFox Knows a Web Page Has Atom Feeds?


RSS FAQs - Atom Feed File Structure and Elements

A collection of 15 FAQs on Atom feed file structure and elements. Clear answers are provided with tutorial samples on Atom feed documents and Atom entry documents; sub-elements of the feed and entry elements; generating contents for id, updated, and link sub-elements.

  1. Are Atom Feed Files XML Documents?
  2. How Many Document Types Are Defined for Atom Feed Files?
  3. What Is the Structure of Atom Feed Documents?
  4. What Are Sub-elements of the feed Element?
  5. How To Generate a Feed title Element?
  6. How To Generate a Feed subtitle Element?
  7. How To Generate a Feed link Element?
  8. How To Generate a Feed id Element?
  9. How To Generate a Feed updated Element?
  10. How To Generate a Feed author Element?
  11. What Are Sub-elements of the entry Element?
  12. How To Generate a Feed Entry link Element?
  13. How To Generate a Feed title Element?
  14. How To Generate a Feed summary Element?
  15. Can One Atom Feed Document Have Multiple Entries?


RSS FAQs - Adding Your Feeds to RSS News Readers and Aggregators

A collection of 11 FAQs on RSS news aggregators. Clear answers are provided with tutorial codes on desktop and online news aggregators; adding your feeds to online news aggregators; sample codes for Google Reader, My Yahoo, Bloglines, NewsGator, Netvibes.

  1. What Is a RSS Aggregator?
  2. What Is a Desktop RSS Aggregator?
  3. What Is FeedReader?
  4. What Is BlogBridge?
  5. What is Liferea?
  6. What Is an Online RSS Aggregator?
  7. How To Create an Add-to-Google-Reader Button on Your Website?
  8. How To Create an Add-to-My-Yahoo Button on Your Website?
  9. How To Create an Add-to-Bloglines Button on Your Website?
  10. How To Create an Add-to-NewsGator Button on Your Website?
  11. How To Create an Add-to-Netvibes Button on Your Website?


RSS FAQs - Atom Syndiation Format RFC4287 Reference Document

A copy of The Atom Syndication Format (Atom 1.0 specification) is provided here as a reference resource.

  1. The Atom Syndication Format - Reference Document


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