Thursday, March 20, 2008

Program technique: Strings

Program technique: Strings * Reverse words in a string (words are separated by one or more spaces). Now do it in-place. By far the most popular string question! * Reverse a string * Strip whitespace from a string in-place void StripWhitespace(char* szStr) * Remove duplicate chars from a string ("AAA BBB" -> "A B") int RemoveDups(char* szStr) * Find the first non-repeating character in a string:("ABCA" -> B ) int FindFirstUnique(char* szStr) * More Advanced Topics: o You may be asked about using Unicode strings. What the interviewer is usually looking for is: + each character will be two bytes (so, for example, char lookup table you may have allocated needs to be expanded from 256 to 256 * 256 = 65536 elements) + that you would need to use wide char types (wchar_t instead of char) + that you would need to use wide string functions (like wprintf instead of printf) o Guarding against being passed invalid string pointers or non nul-terminated strings (using walking through a string and catching memory exceptions

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